Sunday, May 30, 2021

Character Sheets

This week I decided to put up a collection of the custom character sheets and generators I have made for various systems.  These were originally made in excel, but should function fine in most spreadsheet programs.  Some of these were made with specific fonts/typefaces and so make need to be cleaned up if you don't posses them.

Star Wars (Original d20 edition with house rules)

Ten Dead Rats (Character Generator rules version 1.4)

AD&D 2nd Edition (with Target20 and House Rules)

Call of Cthulhu (d20 Simplified)

Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperbora (Character Generator + Demihumans)

Mutants and Masterminds 2e (Simplified House Rules "2.5")

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Terrain: Trees

I have previously talked about my terrain use, and the Covid lockdown has given me time to work on crafting.   One of the things I had been banging my head against is trees.

Trees are fun scatter terrain to use in a wilderness encounter, but unlike rocks, buildings, etc. they are tricky to do/work with.

Nice trees are a lot of work and fiddly/fragile and possibly shed. Easy trees don't always look that great or are kind of "blobby".   DwarvenForge's recent tree offerings are great, but pricey to get a good bit of woods.

I tried a few things based on the work of some very talented crafters but none quite clicked with me.  Random twigs from the yard were OK for autumn/winter trees, but also fragile.

So, going back to basics, I asked why I wanted the trees.  While dioramas/displays are nice, I want them for miniature play.  That being the case, their primary role is to denote the location of significantly large trees, those that would be useful for cover or climbing.  

So it occurred to me.  The leaves and branches are the problem with all their fiddly bits.  For mini combat I really just need the trunks.  A number of nice trunks and spots for minis to sit up in the "branches" would be a lot easier to craft and end up with something that can resist the rigors of play and transport.

So this is what I ended up with:

These are made of blocks and shafts of xps foam cut down by hand.  The edges are cut and scraped to give a bark appearance and the whole trunk of the tree is squished, twisted, and bent to give it an naturalistic contour.  The whole thing is glues to some dense cardboard for weight and finished with grit and sawdust.  The rest is craft paint.

I want to enhance this with a few bits of clump terrain of bushes and tight packed small trees. But that will have to come later.

Fancy/leafy trees for show clearly need to be a separate item from "toss if a bin" scatter terrain.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Random Encounters Continued

I still have not cracked the code on a random wilderness encounter setup I like. But I thought to share the below table to help spur the imagination.  The below allows you to roll a d20, d12, and d10 to quickly hone in on some ideas.


d20 Encounter

1 Phenomena
10 - 13 Humanoids

d12 Encounter

d12 Encounter

1 Natural Spring

1 - 2 Kobolds/Goblins

2 - 3 Corpse (Animal, Monster, Humanoid)

3 - 5 Orc/Hobgoblin

4 Toadstool Circle

6 - 7 Gnoll/Bugbear

5 - 6 Trap (Pit, Snare, Deadfall)

8 Reptile/Fish Folk

7 - 8 Cave

9 Fey/Centaur

9 Collapse Ruin

10 - 11 Ogre/Giant/Troll

10 Vacated Camp

12 Exotic (Aasimar, Underdark, Kenku)

11 Forgotten Battlefield
14 - 16 Beasts

12 Floating Rocks, Wild Magic, etc.

d12 Encounter
2 - 5 Animals

1 - 3 Worg, Blink Dog, Sea Lion

d12 Encounter

4 - 6 Owlbear, Displacer Beast

1 Vermin/Swarm

7 - 8 Hippogriff, Pegasus, Hippocampus

2 Bird/Fish/Lizard

9 Unicorn, Griffon, Giant Eagle/Owl

3 - 4 Rodent/Small Mammal

10 - 11 Bullet, Ankheg, Phase Spider

5 - 7 Canine/ Medium Mammal

12 Exotic (Dire, Dinosaur, Roc)

8 - 9 Ursine/Large Mammal
17 - 19 Monsters

10 - 11 Equine/Herd

d12 Encounter

12 Exotic (Ape, Tiger, Elephant)

1 Flumph, Stirge, Blight
6 - 9 Demi Humans

2 Undead (Lesser), will o wisp

d12 Encounter

3 - 5 Carrion Crawler, Ettercap, Yeti

1 Individual

6 - 7 Basalisk, Manticore, Chimera

2 Hunters

8 - 9 Ooze/Fungus/Plant

3 Nomads

10 Hags, Harpy, Medusa

4 - 6 Merchants

11 Purple Worm/Rhemorhaz/Hydra

7 - 8 Patrol

12 Exotic (Sphinx, Coatl, Naga)

9 - 11 Bandits
20 Special

12 Adventurers

d12 Encounter

1 Elemental

d10 Encounter

2 Planar

1 - 3 Human

3 - 4 Dragon, Wyvern

4 - 5 Elf

5 Undead (Greater)

6 - 7 Dwarf

6 - 7 Lycanthrope, Doppleganger

8 Halfling

8 - 9 Rust Monster/Mimic

9 Gnome

10 - 11 Mind Flayer/Beholder/Umberhulk

10 Exotic (Mixed, Subrace,
Half Breed, Dragonborn, Etc.)

12 Construct

I think I am about to abandon this approach first discussed in earlier Random Encounter posts and start over.  I think I am trying to do too many things at once......


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Fangs and Feels (Untested)

Industrial Goth Vampire games are certainly evocative, but the mechanics can be a slog.  Inspired by Honey Heist I made this variant Fangs & Feels so you can quickly get into the moody world of the undead.

 Page 1 (Players)








Page 2 (GM)