Sunday, April 4, 2021

Death and Dying

 Following up on What is a Hit Point, I am sharing what I currently use when a character hits 0hp.


I originally developed this chart while playing 2nd Edition, but the target numbers on the current version is tweaked to work with OSR style games. (Ability Score 18 = +3 Modifier).

The philosophy comes from the notion that 0HP = Dying, and -10HP = Dead.  Assuming an average die roll of 10, a character at 0HP will end up scarred.  A Character at -10 HP will end up seriously maimed (and likely out of the adventuring life) 

Using a die roll (pun intended?) provides some variability, keeping it from being a pure numbers game "Its OK, do actions X Y Z, I am only at -5HP and have 5 rounds to spare".  I also retained the lose 1 HP per round so there is still a ticking clock, things getting worse.

I chose to add in the ability to stay conscious and act beyond 0 HP.  This is a mix of the 0HP = "Disabled" status from 3e, the desire to allow the character to still have something to do on their turn, and I just like the visual of the character fighting to the bitter end, or trying to hold their guts in til help arrives.

Since I don't have specific skills in my OSR game, I have healing kits to take the place of allowing characters without Cure spells to provide aid to the dying.  

So far the numbers bear out that somewhere between 0 and -10 HP your character's adventuring life is over, but they may live, and at least have a chance to end up with a cool scar and story to tell at the tavern.   Perhaps to offer a warning to the Player's next character.

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