Sunday, July 19, 2020

Star Wars Quick Shot: The Scenario

We have our rules, a stripped down d20 Star Wars.  We have our setting, the fringes of Hutt Space during the Imperial Era. We have our characters:
  • Wookiee - Soldier 5
  • Twi'lik - Scoundrel 5
  • Human Pilot - Scout 5
  • Battle Droid running Protocol Droid OS - Soldier 1 /Expert 4
Now I need an adventure and starting point for this quick campaign.  In the films, it can take a 3rd of the runtime to actually get folks together.  I don't want to do that....

So I determine the characters will already be working together, and with the setting being Hutt Space, it makes sense to just be some cadre of smugglers.  Plus, if a character dies, or someone else joins the game, there is a built in reason for a new character to show up.

I wanted to avoid just making a "dungeon in space" as it feels too limited.   I also don't want them to have complete run of a fictional galaxy, first to avoid paralyzation by choice, second to avoid having to make up worlds on the fly.  I need a sweet spot in between.  Finally, I want them to get right into play, so I brainstorm for a bit and come up with and idea, and for the heck of it, I write an opening crawl:

Pirates of hutt spacE


It has been 10 years since the great Jedi betrayal and forces of the new imperial order work tirelessly to stamp out separatist troublemakers. The Hutt consortium, having no official ties with rebel interests are spared from Imperial complcations. An established mercenary group finds its latest mission on the Hutt world of Nar Parthan has ended badly. Some of the survivors have found a temporary safe spot in the outpost known as Coralite Shaft 16. Unsure of the location of the rest of their companions, they know they need to get spaceward...

Great! now how to write it up so I can run it at the table.  In the end, the whole game which took 4 sessions originally took only 3 pages, and then an additional page written up between sessions.

Rather than try to plot and plan it out, I just made sure I had a list of handy stats, info and general sketches of what I wanted the locations to look like and their relation to one-another.

  • Its a jungle world, if they go by foot, plenty of chances to use skills and fight local creatures. 
  • There is a monorail for transporting people and coralite to the space port, train heist!
  • There is a small landing pad where planetary aircraft/security forces can fly from.
So my pages to start consist of stats for thugs, law officials, locals, small beasts and a big beast, and a few vehicle types.
I also make a list of "Star Wars" sounding names in case I need them.
I also jot down some rough notes on what space ships are available.
Finally I have a timeline of events to help keep the action moving (in 4 hours, their pictures go up on the holonet, in 2 days an Imperial cargo shuttle will arrive to pick up Coralite, etc.)

And thats enough to get started on the first night's session...

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