Wednesday, October 28, 2020

HomeBrew: Cleric Spells OD&D OED

How about some Game content?

My current OSR style homebrew is based heavily on Original Edition Delta

Dan/Delta (the author of that work) has completely eliminated the Cleric Class and spells from his game/worlds.   

While I have come around to eliminating Clerics as a separate class, I am not prepared to eliminate them from the world.  I have basically smooshed the Cleric in with the Magic User and call the class "Sorcerer" in keeping with my Sword and Sorcery styling.  In this way, the player's have full access to D&D style magic, and archetypes (Druids, witches, etc.) but the GM does not have to weigh in on issues of how the cosmos works.

The class works in the same way as the Magic User with 2 differences.

1: The Fetish: this is the thing that take the place of a Holy Symbol, Spellbook, or Material components.  It is the thing that can be taken away to prevent spellcasting.

The text I use: "A scroll of hymns, a rune carved staff, a book of formulae, a crystal, an amulet, or even a bag of odd ingredients; this is the item that allows a Sorcerer to access magical forces.  In order to cast a spell, this item must be kept at hand and wielded at the moment of casting."

2: The Spells: The class has access (mechanically) to both Magic User and Cleric spells.  The player/ GM are encourage to curate spells by a theme.

Here are my conversions of Cleric spells in Blogger compatible format.



For missing spells check out OED Games "Book of Spells".

For spells above 5th level, you will have to put the work in yourself, I cap out my games at 10th level.

You can check it out in context here: 

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