Saturday, June 27, 2020
My History with the Game
Saturday, June 20, 2020
What am I playing right now
I guess this is more an exploration of why I am playing what I am playing…
A little over a year ago my long running game ended (what would turn out to be) abruptly.
One player got busy, then another moved away, then I got busy, then 2 more had life changes.
Oddly Covid is what breathed new life into gaming for me. I made an off hand comment on social media, and a week later I had 3 players on Skype for a game.
This game came together quickly, was going to played over video chat (which was all new to me), and 2 of the players were all new. I knew I needed something easy to get into and run, something without the need for a battlemat to run combat.
So, long story short, I broke out my home made retro clone and stripped some of the fiddly bits out. The system, which we call “Redbox Revisited” (So Original), started almost 20 years ago and has seen several major revisions as my sensibilities changed.
Currently it consists of the standard 6 abilities scores with unified modifiers, Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits, and 3 classes (Warrior, Sorcerer, and Rogue). Resolution is your standard d20 plus modifiers vs Target number. The spells currently use Delta's OED Book of Spells, which is very nice distilling and standardizing of original D&D magic user spells.
I will probably post more about the system and its past and future iterations another time.
Having no idea if this was going to work, or last, I wanted to use something basic and self contained as the setting. So I pulled out Dyson’sDelve (link) which is a nice small set of dungeons stacked atop one another. I also grabbed his Baraloba maps and plopped the whole thing into Hyperbora, using the events of Taken from Dunwich as a hook to explore the delve.
We are now three months in, the characters are about to hit level 3, and confront one of the big bads. I can’t say how much longer it will go for, but it really informs how much you can distill the game down and still have a good time.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
RPG Influences
- Dan digs into the history of the game, the underlying math, and takes an analytical approach that really helps you dig down into what the game is doing, making it easier to run in the process.
- Paul also digs into the history of the hobby, bringing in more from other games and 5e.
- Paul and Dan also have a show on Youtube, so check that out.
- Grognardia (No longer Updated)
- Inzeladun (Gone from the Web)
- Malhavoc Press (Defunct- this is starting to be a trend....)
- Matt Colville (Not always my cup of tea, but lost of food for thought)
Me and the Hobby
Started in the 90s with a mix of Basic and 2nd Edition, saving the denizens of Thunder Rift.
Originally skeptical of 3rd, but quickly won over.
3.5 pushed me back to Basic.
Have bounced around in the world of home-brew ever since.
Why Dungeon Stew
D&D (Fantasy RPGs) are a delicious stew. Its a mix of ingredients thrown together, sharing flavors.
The ingredients can be high quality, or tossed in based on what you have handy.
Although you can put almost anything into the pot, you probably don't want to put everything in the pot at once.
So throw things together and let them steep is how I approach the game.
What am I going to do with this space?
I'm not sure. A mix of thoughts about RPGs, other topics, play reports, maybe even some usable material. Probably try to make it look prettier too.